Our frequent project partners at Momentum asked us to produce this workshop on behalf of PG&E. PG&E needed to produce a high-quality public workshop focusing on gas research and climate change efforts. They emphasized the need for transparent communication, audience engagement, and the ability to gather real-time feedback. Our challenge was to create an interactive experience while ensuring smooth and professional execution so speakers could focus on delivering their remarks and answering questions without distractions or logistical concerns.

Our Approach

We started the project by collaborating closely with PG&E to understand better their objectives, target audience, and desired outcomes. Armed with this knowledge, we 

  • crafted a comprehensive strategy that encompassed every aspect of the production process

  • developed promotional copy in line with their brand guidelines, managed RSVPs efficiently, and coordinated logistics, including webinar setup,  technical requirements, and testing 

  • worked to ensure every team member was well-prepared and equipped to handle any situation that might arise

  • maintained open lines of communication with PG&E, providing regular updates and seeking their input to ensure alignment with their vision. 

Throughout the process, our goal was to be a fun and energetic partner, bringing our expertise to the table while alleviating any stress or burden from PG&E’s team.


The workshop was a resounding success. The technical and logistical elements ran smoothly, and the live Q&A sessions and audience polls were seamlessly integrated into the program, fostering a dynamic atmosphere that kept attendees involved throughout the workshop. Despite any issues, we still walked away from the experience with new ideas and strategies to improve their process for future workshops. This and the feedback gathered during the event provided valuable insights that PG&E could leverage to refine strategies and initiatives moving forward. The quality and content also resulted in unsolicited positive feedback from state regulators and stakeholders.